Uganda is a beautiful country filled with amazing sights and warm friendly people. In both Entebbe and Gulu, and on the road in between, the scenery has been amazing, and I have felt so welcomed by each person I met. To meet the Ugandan members of the Well On their Way team in person was a surreal experience, as I have seen their pictures and heard their names for years when listening to the stories of Matt, Ann, and Meg. I was struck by how much laughter there was around the table and when I, as a newcomer, was included in the celebratory dancing, I thought what an honor it is to be part of this team! As we started our work agenda, the drives to and from the health centers have provided an opportunity to talk with those of our team who share a ride with us. This has been wonderful, as it gives us a chance to get to know one another, sharing pictures of our families and asking questions about each other’s countries. For the same reason, I have so enjoyed the tea and lunch breaks during the training sessions for the chance to get to know some of the trainees more personally. We only spent two days with our first group of health care professionals but I feel as though I have made many new friends. Amidst all of this, I can’t neglect to say how impressed I am by the work being done here! The Ugandan midwives, nurses, and clinical workers that I have met are dedicated and knowledgeable professionals and seeing how hard they work in service of their patients is nothing short of humbling. Likewise the administrators and government representatives so obviously love their country, their district, and its people. It has been inspiring to see firsthand the impact that WOtW has made and continues to make here. When we briefly visited a Health Center III, where three women were laboring and two had just delivered that same day, the WOtW training materials hanging on the walls made it clear that the work being done here by WOtW is having a very real and practical impact on the maternal experiences of people in this area. One person remarked in a meeting that WOtW is a small organization but the impact it is making in Gulu District is large, and I feel that really sums up my impression to date. Looking forward, I feel very exicted, both for the rest of this trip and to see how WOtW can continue to positively impact the lives of mothers and their babies in Gulu!