Stay Connected:

Ann Markes, M.D.

Like her husband, Matthew Kane, Dr. Ann Markes’ first contact with global health was at the age of 19 while participating in a semester abroad in Kenya. This was followed by two other trips to Kenya with Matthew, three months as medical students, and a year (1985-86) working at Tumutumu Hospital in Karatina. After raising three children and working in primary care, she started to participate in global health again, including several trips to Haiti and participation with Interplast in China and Vietnam. However, it is the work in Uganda that keeps calling her back. The resilience of the Acholi people after suffering for so long during the war, the commitment of the health workers in northern Uganda to their people, the health workers’ enthusiasm for training, and their hard work to continue to pass that training on are sources of great inspiration to her. She looks forward to continued trips to Gulu, strengthening the partnership with the STEP-UP Uganda team, and expansion of the work that is being done together.


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November 3, 2022